© 2017 Herald Events
A Highland Hand-Fasting. For weddings we have something wonderful. For over twenty years we have performed our Highland Hand-Fasting for couples from all over the world. An embellishment to a legal wedding, this moving service is set in 1320 and conducted by myself in the manner of a Clan Chief, the couple reciting their lineage and drinking 'the fresh wattir frae the loving cup'. The service is very moving and we have done this for just the couple to parties of up to two hundred people. It lasts around twenty minutes and it is probably the best thing we have. I will keep its description short as others have attempted (and failed) to copy it, opportunists who never lasted long. It generally involves a piper and we can play an hour long set of pipes 'n' bodhran, songs and fun stuff afterwards. Don't buy a cheap copy, go for the original and best. *Note. We offered this for gay couples WAY before the law decided it was correct and are quite proud of that because after all, we're a' Jock Tamson's bairns.