© 2017 Herald Events
Educational Themes
For schools, museums and libraries we offer upbeat and informative presentations. Schools work is generally for a class or two but we also provide for the whole school in the hall. All our themes are interactive and humorous but we are there to inspire children as well as entertain them, encouraging further study once we have gone.
Wars of Independence: King Robert the Bruce, his life and rise to power. The king is a jovial sort but he covers the seriousness of his times too. Dressing children as characters in Scotland's story, Bruce involves everyone and keeps them captivated during his royal visit.
Jacobite Jock. The 1715 and 1745 rebellions as told by a footsoldier. Songs, stories and costumes for the children. There is some weaponry but we don't centre on this aspect and they can be left at HQ if deemed unnecessary.
Tudors And Stuarts. From The Wars of the Roses, Robert the Bruce, Henry VIII to James VI, it is ALL covered. Willie Douglas, who helped Mary Queen of Scots escape from Lochleven Castle is the host but he requires costumed volunteers too.
Fergus the Pict A ninth century farmer and story-teller, kindly old Fergus talks of standing stones, of recycling everything and the terrible time the Roman arrived. Two children are required to be Picts but everyone has a bit of woad painted on them. The visit can involve a Pictish arts session too, with rubbings of carved stones and the creation of a Pictish flag.
Robert Burns with Jacobite Jock For a single class to the whole school, Jacobite Jock has songs, stories and inspiration for all. This is very popular every January and February. The presentation last around an hour and it is a very lively one. Robert Burns sought to bring people together and so does Jacobite Jock.
Pirates This has NO educational aspect but we still get schools bookings because it is fun and we all need a healthy serving of that. Teachers, secretaries and janitors too are expected to enter into the spirit of things and dress for the occasion. Or else.
Arts Workshops We have two main themes, Dinosaur Days and The Art Of The Picts and these can be delivered in schools, arts centres, museums and shopping centres. These are long-established themes and have been very popular with all ages.